[ Trigami Review ]
Some of you will probably ever heard of Fame & Fashion - Design have heard your Dream? Right, that the broadcast is put out to young upcoming designers to the test.
you'd like you also like to let off steam and a little creative design? I now have something very interesting for you if you are still in possession of an i-pad.
Already since 02/21/2001 is the App Store, the innovative free Fashion Designer App available for download from OTTO. "
This app is all about, they not only budding fashion designers and sign artists to use but even if you can bring a not too great dexterity with them. With this app you will be a fashion designer! Your very own outfits to be designed and stores it in the photo album of your iPad. In addition, you can also show your finished design your friends with the same practical function as Facebook or Twitter. Or you simply send him an e-mail.
course I tested the app for you too and would like to share my experience with you.
If you have installed the app Fashion Designer (14.4 MB), it can also go already going on.
Depending on whether your a style for him or her you want to design are two different models. Quite Whether you try your own mind now wish you can just as easily choose between several pre-designed templates. So you can put your model ever a top or skirt and then spice it at will. But of course, a wide range of other clothing, accessories and even a few styles available.
Here you see my own first draft, I created a template. With a bit more practice can certainly create quite as amazing styles. But for a start I'm quite satisfied. ;-)
from a range of colors you can choose between a variety of colors . Choose Can also here the brightness, opacity and stroke width set and save. Therefore you must not always choose the first new.
If your already great with the fashion designer is clear you can also present your own design like a jury and takes part in DESIGN CONTEST OTTO!
Draw your own style to the weekly task, and invite them to the site of OTTO - High Fashion Designer .
Participation is still possible to 03/05/2011 and the fans and a jury will then decide which fashion design wins. The article is from the winner after drawing it exclusively to buy at OTTO. Each participant also has the Chance of a 6 x 100-EUR-shopping vouchers from OTTO.
Among us there are also fans & Votern 30 x 25-EUR-shopping vouchers & OTTO! :-)
Awake also a fan of OTTO - Fashion Designer and directly from OTTO Facebook.
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